The Hidden Skin Damage of Stress: What You Can Do - RAWKANVAS NZ

The Hidden Skin Damage of Stress: What You Can Do

Driving productivity and accomplishments, in small doses, they say stress can be a good thing! But even though it's a natural part of life, stress for prolonged periods of time (chronic stress) can have a significant impact on your skin. That's because when you're stressed, your body releases a hormone known as cortisol, that can signal inflammation and a host of other changes in the body, ending with skin concerns.

Whether you're dealing with a little or a lot of stress, it's important to understand how it can affect your skin, and what you can do to help.

How does stress affect the skin?

  • Breakouts: Stress can trigger an increase in oil production, which can clog pores and lead to breakouts. And because stress can also impact your skin's healing ability, it can also make it more difficult for your skin to recover from breakouts too
  • Fine lines and wrinkles: When you're stressed, your skin produces less collagen and elastin, which are two proteins that help to keep your skin firm and elastic (plump). The breakdown in production of collagen and elastin can lead to prematurely sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles
  • Dehydration and dullness: When you're stressed, your body delivers blood flow to your skin last, reducing the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to your skin cells. This can leave your skin looking tired, dull and lacklustre


What you can do to help minimise stress

Stress starts in the mind and nervous system, so it's important to adopt a holistic approach to minimise it, which includes lifestyle changes, management techniques and lastly, a good skincare routine. Here are some simple ways to help you manage stress:

  • Exercise: Exercise is a well-known stress buster as it helps the body to release endorphins (a natural mood-boosting hormone)
  • Rest: Your body goes into recovery mode at night, so give your body a chance to regenerate during a solid 8 hours of sleep. When you're tired, your skin is more susceptible to stress and damage
  • Hydrate: Adequate hydration helps to regulate your body's temperature, aid digestion, maintain blood volume, prevent fatigue and keep skin hydrated and plump (helping to reduce fine lines and wrinkles)
  • Practice stress management techniques: Breathwork, yoga, meditation and light exercise are all simple ways to help you manage stress. Find what works for you in your lifestyle
  • Skincare: Whether it's breakouts, fine lines and wrinkles, or dehydration and dullness you're experiencing as a result of stress, ensure you adopt a consistent skincare routine to help. Look for products that a gentle and nourishing in nature, and look for treatments that aim to assist breakouts, plump and hydrate the skin, and brighten the skin too


Products to assist with the effects of stress

Whether you're dealing with breakouts, fine lines and wrinkles, or, dehydration and dullness as a result of stress, here's our top picks to help out with each skin concern:


Fine lines and wrinkles:

Dehydration and dullness: